Attachments can be added to your certificate. An example of an attachment is lab results. Shipping or mailing labels can also be attached, if necessary, in order to enable the VS Field Office to return the completed and signed Certificate to you.
To add attachments to your certificate, complete the following steps:
Click the Add Attachment button.
RESULT: The File Upload page appears.
Complete the following fields of the File Upload page:
File Location: Click the Browse… button to select the file from your computer to upload. The Choose File to Upload window opens. Select the file you want to attach and click the Open button.
File Description: From the drop-down list, select the appropriate file description. If the File Description you need is not shown in the drop-down list, select “Other” and enter a description in the “If Other, More Details” field. A maximum of 40 characters is allowed for the Other Details description.
Click the Upload button.
RESULT: The Attachments page refreshes to display the attached files.
You can click the Delete button to remove the attachment from the table.
You can click the Download button to open the file to view it.
When you have completed adding attachments, click the Next button to proceed. You can also click the Save as Work in Progress button and return to the certificate at a later time.
HELPFUL HINT: You may enter certificate information in any order by selecting the links at the left of the screen. In this Help file, data entry into the certificate will be explained sequentially as if using the Next button. At the bottom of each page the Previous, Save as Work in Progress, and Next buttons are available.
The type of Certificate (Certificate Content) and the unique Certificate Tracking Number is always displayed at the top of each Step by Step screen.