Commodity Type - Breed/Category

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To add or remove Commodity Type - Breed/Category data, complete the following steps:


1.Select the VEHCS Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The VEHCS Administration page appears.


2.Select VEHCS Reference Data link from the left menu.
RESULT: The VEHCS Reference Data page appears.


3.Select Commodity Type - Breed/Category from the drop down.

   RESULT: Commodity Types - Breed/Categories page appears.


The current Commodity type - Breed/Category combinations are displayed in the List of Commodity Types - Breed/Categories Table. Commodity type - Breed/Category data is used to define the Health Certificates that are available in VEHCS.


1.To add a new commodity type, click the Add button below the table.

   RESULT: Add a New Commodity Type - Breed/Category page appears.

2.Enter the Commodity Type name, Breed/Category and click Save.

   RESULT: Commodity Types - Breed/Categories page appears with new Commodity type - Breed/category data displayed in the table.

3.To remove a Commodity Type - Breed/Category, click its corresponding 'Delete' button.

   RESULT: Confirmation page appears.

4.Click Yes.

   RESULT: Commodity Types - Breed/Categories page appears and the selected Commodity type - Breed/Category data is removed.


5.Click the Cancel button to return to the previous screen.



See Also


VEHCS Reference Data