Fee codes will be used on Certificate Payment screen to calculate Health Certificate fees. When applicable, fee codes can be associated with commodities. To add/update/edit a fee code amount, description or internal notes, complete the following steps:
1. | Select the VEHCS Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT: The VEHCS Administration page appears. |
2. | Select VEHCS Reference Data link from the left menu.
RESULT: The VEHCS Reference Data page appears. |
3. | Select Fee Code from the drop down. |
RESULT: Manage Fee codes page appears.
The current Fee codes associated with commodities are displayed in the “List of Fee codes” table.
1. | To edit an existing Fee code, click its corresponding 'Edit' button. Add New Fee code page appears. |
2. | To add a Fee code, click Add New Fee Code button. Add New Fee code page appears. When finished, click Save. |
3. | To associate fees with commodities, select the respective fee codes check boxes and click Associate Fees with Commodities. Selected Fee codes will be displayed in a non-editable filed. Select the commodities and click Save. Up on save, fee codes with associated commodities will be displayed in the first table. |
4. | Selected Commodities will get reassigned if it was previously to other Fee Codes. |
At least one Fee code has to be selected as a maximum certificate Fee to charge the health certificate..
See Also
VEHCS Reference Data