The three different type Horse Certificates include the following:

Horses for Breeding/Rearing
Horses for Competition and Racing
Horses for Immediate Slaughter


To complete the Commodity Information table for a Horse Certificate on the Commodities page, do the following:

All required fields are indicated with a red asterisk (*) next to the label in the column header.

Remember to save your data periodically, especially when entering large number of commodities.

a)Row # is automatically pre-populated.
b)Enter ID.  This is a required field.
c)Select Color from the drop-down list.  The option of "Other" is provided.  This is a required field.
d)Select Breed/Category from the drop-down list.  The option of "Other" is provided.  This is a required field.
e)Enter the Age.  Whole numbers only.  This is a required field.
f)Select Age Unit from the drop-down list (Month or Year).  This is a required field.
g)Select the Sex from the drop-down list (Female, Male, Neutered Male, Spayed Female).  This is a required field.
h)Enter More Details.  This is a required field.  Click the Edit Details button and the Commodity Details page displays.


On the Commodity Details page, enter the required information for the selected commodity.  Items marked * are required.

a)ID, Color, Age, Sex, Breed/Category, and Age Unit are all required fields.  These fields will populate information entered on the Commodities page or you can enter information here.
b)Select "None" or "Other" from the drop-down list in the following fields: Head, Body, Left Front Limb, Left Hind Limb, Right Front Limb, and Right Hind Limb.  These are all required fields.
c)Enter Other ID/Tattoo as needed.  This is an optional field.
d)Enter Additional Description as needed.  This is an optional field.
e)The Piro Test Date (cElisa) field will display for all horses with Texas or New Mexico as the state of origin.  The format is mm/dd/yyyy.  This is a required field when it is displayed.
f)The Test Used field will display for Competition/Racing Horses and Other Breeding/Rearing Horses only, and only when the horse is older than 5 months .  Select Coggins or Elisa as appropriate. This is a required field.
g)For the Coggins or Elisa test, also enter the Test Date. The Test Date field will display for Competition/Racing Horses and Other Breeding/Rearing Horses only. The date format should be entered as mm/dd/yyyy or click the calendar icon to select the appropriate date. The test date should be the day the sample was drawn.
h)An optional photograph may be uploaded for Breeding/Rearing and Competition/Racing horses.

NOTE: Photograph upload will not display for Immediate Slaughter horses.
Click the Add Attachment button to add the photograph.
RESULT:  The File Upload page displays.


i)On the File Upload page, click the Browse button to select the file from your computer to upload.  File size is limited to 100KB.  Long file names will be truncated to 40 characters (including the file extension).  Items marked * are required.


j)Enter a Photograph Description.  This is an optional field.
NOTE: The Photograph Description text will appear on the Health Certificate.


k)Click the Upload button.
RESULT:  The Commodity Details page reappears and the information is displayed in the List of Phtographs table.


l)When you have completed the required information on Commodity Details page, click the Save & Back button.
RESULT:  The Commodities page reappears.


m) When you have completed entering your information, click the Next button to proceed.  You can also click the Save as Work in Progress and return to the certificate at a later time.