Commodity Table Template Details Page Overview

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The Commodity Table Template Details page field descriptions are as follows:

To add a commodity table template, complete the following steps:

1.Enter the required information for a commodity table template:

Template Name

Name of the template.
This is a required field.

When entering a row of data, all of the following fields are required.  You do not have to enter data in all the rows, but when you enter data in a row, all the columns must be completed.  Up to 15 rows can be entered.  To delete a row, select the corresponding checkbox and click the Delete button.

Column Header

Category or description of the data to be entered.  For example, Animal ID, Breed, Sex, Age in Years, Vaccination Date, Test Name, Test Date, Other Information.

Data Type

Select Text or Date.
When Date is selected, VEHCS will provide calendar functionality for data entry.

Maximum Characters

Controls the number of characters that can be entered in a Text field.  It can impact the display of the Commodities table created for data entry.

2. When you have completed entering your information, click one of the following:

a) Click the Cancel button to not save or update the Commodity Table Template information.  You will return to your previous page.

b) Click the Save & Back button to save your change and return to your previous page.

c) Click the Save & Add Another button to save your change and to open a blank Commodity Table Template Details page.