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The Summary/Submit page displays all of the information entered in the certificate. Please review all the information that you provided for the certificate before you submit it to the VS Field Office.


Warning: Only the selected Accredited Veterinarian can submit a certificate with his/her name attached to it. You can save this certificate as a work in progress for the AV to retrieve.


To update or correct the information displayed, click the Edit button next to the associated section of the certificate.

RESULT:  This will open the corresponding page where you can make updates as needed.
From here you can click the Next button to continue through the certificate screen sequence until you reach the Summary/Submit page, or you can click the Summary/Submit link in the navigation menu on the left of the screen to jump directly to the Summary/Submit page.

To save the certificate, click the Save as Work in Progress button.
RESULT:  The page will reappear with the saved as work in progress date and time.

For Accredited Veterinarians...

1.Carefully review the certificate for accuracy.
2.Review the submission statements at the bottom of the page as they must be verified before the certificate can be submitted.
3.If the certificate was submitted to your Veterinary Clinic by an Exporter, select the Responsible Payor.
4.Complete the following fields as needed:

Additional Information

Free text field to note additional information.  This information will be displayed on the Export Health Certificate.
This is an optional field.


Any instructions or other information for review.  This can include instructions to the VS Field Office for how to return the completed and signed Certificate to the Accredited Veterinarian.
This field will not be printed on the actual Health Certificate and is only viewable through the VEHCS System.
This is an optional field.

5. Return Certificate Information: If the certificate is returned by VS, the Return History table will display the returned date, returned by and reason for return.

6. Notification Email Addresses: You can enter up to five email addresses and will receive email updates when this health certificate is submitted to VS, endorsed by VS or returned by VS.  You can edit the recipients for this health certificate.

7. Click the Submit Certificate button to submit the certificate to the VS Field Office.  You can also click the Save as Work in Progress and return to the certificate at a later time.
If the certificate was submitted to your Veterinary Clinic by an Exporter, you also have the option to return the certificate to the Exporter by clicking the Return Certificate button.

For AV Support Staff...

Carefully review the certificate for accuracy and click the Save as Work in Progress button.
RESULT:  The page will reappear with the saved as work in progress date and time.

Important Note: Only Accredited Veterinarians can submit a certificate. The AV who was selected on the Export and Shipping screen is the AV who must finalize and submit the certificate.  Clicking the save button will save the certificate as a work in progress for the AV to retrieve, review, and submit to the VS Field Office at a later date.

For Users processing a certificate, review the Certificate Details Page Overview.

For Exporters...

Carefully review the certificate for accuracy.  If an Internal Accredited Veterinarian has been selected, click the Save as Work in Progress button.
RESULT:  The page will reappear with the saved work in progress date and time.  Let the AV know that the certificate is ready for retrieval.
If an External Accredited Veterinarian has been selected, click the Submit to Accredited Veterinarian button to submit the certificate to the selected Veterinary Clinic.


HELPFUL HINT: You may enter certificate information in any order by selecting the links at the left of the screen; for example, you can enter Certificate Content information and then General information.  In this Help file, data entry into the certificate will be explained sequentially as if using the Next button.  At the bottom of each page the Previous, Save as Work in Progress, and Next buttons are available.


The type of Certificate (Certificate Content) and the unique Certificate Tracking Number is always displayed at the top of each Certificate screen.