My VS Field Office Workload Page Overview

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To view and process certificates that have been submitted to your VS Field Office, complete the following steps:


1.Select the My VS Field Office Workload link located on the left side of the screen.
RESULT:  The My VS Field Office Workload page appears.


2.To view a list of certificates, select the VS Field Office and Status from the drop-down lists.


3.Click the Search button.
RESULT:  The certificates meeting the search criteria display in the table.
NOTE:  The message “No certificates have been found.” will display if no certificates are found.


The certificates associated with the entered search criteria are displayed with the following information:

a)Certificate/Tracking Number and Accredited Veterinarian:  The certificate/tracking number and accredited veterinarian assigned to the particular certificate.
b)Certificate Type
c)Status:  The status of the certificate.
d)Submitted/Endorsed Dated: The Submitted Date/Time will display for HCs submitted through VEHCS for endorsement. The Endorsed Date will display for HCs previously endorsed outside of VEHCS.
e)Estimated Date of Shipment:  The estimated date of departure.
f)Species:  The species being exported.
g)Destination Country:  Displays the country name of the commodity's destination.
h)Assigned EDE: You can assign the EDE users from the drop down list
i)Assigned VMO: You can assign the VMO users from the drop down list


NOTE:You can also use the below drop-down lists to further narrow down the results list.

a.Filter Results by Accredited Veterinarian Org 
b.Filter results by EDE assigned.
c.Filter results by VMO assigned. .


4.From the resulting list, you may choose to process a certificate.  To process a certificate, click the corresponding Process button.
RESULT:  The Creation of an International Animal Export Health Certificate, General page displays.


5.Review the information provided for the certificate.

NOTE:  You can still assign/reassign the responsible EDE and VMO users by using the EDE assigned and VMO assigned drop down list at the top right screen.

Only general information is provided for Certificate Type: Uploaded HC PDF. Download the uploaded PDF to review the certificate.


6.After reviewing the certificate, choose one of the following options:
To return the unprocessed certificate to the requestor, click the 'Return Certificate' button.
To save Reviewer Notes and indicate that the certificate is in a Review in Progress status, click the 'Save as Review in Progress' button.
To save Reviewer Notes and indicate that the certificate is in Reviewed status, click the 'Save as Reviewed' button.
To endorse a certificate, click the 'Endorse' button.


"Save as Reviewed" button will continue to appear until "Endorse" button is clicked.
Reviewer notes text area will continue to be editable even after "Save as Reviewed" button is clicked.